Geertz, Clifford (1979) “From the Native’s Point of View: On the Nature of Anthropological Understanding”. in: Rabinow, Paul & William M. Sullivan, 1979, Interpretive Social Science. A Reader. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 225-242
Geertz, C. (1983). Local knowledge. New York: Basic Books. 梶原景昭・小泉潤二・山下晋司・山下淑美(訳) 1999 ローカル・ノレッジ―解釈人類学論集 (岩波モダンクラシックス) 岩波書店
引用されているのは、Stephen Madigan著「ナラティヴ・セラピー」の3頁から4頁かけて引用されている、次の部分。
The Western conception of the person as a bounded, unique, more or less integrated motivational and cognitive universe, a dynamic centre of awareness, emotion, judgment, and action organized into a distinctive whole and set contrastively against a social and natural background is, however incorrigible it may seem to us, a rather peculiar idea within the context of the world’s cultures. (p. 229)
The Western conception of the person as a bounded, unique, more or less integrated motivational and cognitive universe, a dynamic center of awareness, emotion, judgment, and action organized into a distinctive whole and set contrastively both against other such wholes and against a social and natural background is, however incorrigible it may seem to us, a rather peculiar idea within the context of the world’s cultures.
The Western conception of the person as a bounded, unique, more or less integrated motivational and cognitive universe, a dynamic center of awareness, emotion, judgment, and action organized into a distinctive whole and set contrastively both against other such wholes and against its social and natural background, is, however incorrigible it may seem to us, a rather peculiar idea within the context of the world’s cultures.
The Western conception of the person as a bounded, unique, more or less integrated motivational and cognitive universe, a dynamic centre of awareness, emotion, judgment, and action organized into a distinctive whole and set contrastively against a social and natural background is, however incorrigible it may seem to us, a rather peculiar idea within the context of the world’s cultures. (p. 229)
文章は、「The Western conception of the person… is, however incorrigible it may seem to us, a rather peculiar idea within the context of the world’s cultures」となるので、この訳は「西洋における人の概念は、決して変化するようには見えないが、世界の文化という文脈から見ると、大変奇妙なものである」ぐらいになるであろう。
さて問題は、「The Western conception of the person」を修飾する節をどのように解釈していいのかということである。ここが、よく分からない。
as a bounded, unique, more or less integrated motivational and cognitive universe, a dynamic centre of awareness, emotion, judgment, and action organized into a distinctive whole and set contrastively against a social and natural background
まず、「 a bounded, unique, more or less integrated motivational and cognitive universe」をひとつの固まりとしてみていいだろう。そして、問題となるのが、その次の文章の切れ目が明確ではないことである。
1.a universeとa dynamic centre of awarenessというふたつの要素があると見なす場合。つまり、「a dynamic centre of awareness, emotion, judgment, and action」を、「organized into a distinctive whole set contrastively against a social and natural background」が修飾していると見なすことになる。
as a bounded, unique, more or less integrated motivational and cognitive universe, and a dynamic centre of awareness, emotion, judgment, and action organized into a distinctive whole and set contrastively against a social and natural background
2.a universe、a dynamic centre of awareness、 actionという3つの要素があると見なす場合。つまり、「a dynamic centre of awareness, emotion, judgment」で切れ、「organized into a distinctive whole set contrastively against a social and natural background」は「action」を修飾していると見なす。
この場合において、「a dynamic centre of awareness, emotion, judgment」が1つの固まりであるとすれば、次の箇所にANDが必要なるはず。
a dynamic centre of awareness, emotion, and judgment
何の「a dynamic centre」であるのかという視点で考えてみると、「a dynamic centre of awareness, emotion, judgment, and action」までがひとつのまとまりであると見ることができる。そして、「organized into a distinctive whole and set contrastively against a social and natural background」が「action」だけを示しているというのも不自然である。